Supporting Technicians at Oxford

Here you will find information about events and activities happening in Oxford and further afield; inspiring profiles of technical staff in a range of roles; career development opportunities, resources and more.

As a signatory to the Technician Commitment, the University is keen to increase the visibility of technicians, ensure they are better recognised for the valuable work they do, and support them with professional development and career progression. The Vice-Chancellor is sponsoring a major programme of work, led by People and Organisational Development, to better support the career development of all technical staff, including those involved in lab-based research and teaching, IT and AV work, building and facilities services, and those who work in technical roles in libraries and museums.

Technicians programme: what is planned?

The Technicians programme of work at Oxford, initially funded for two years by Research England (the enhancing research culture fund), includes:

  • A survey of technicians’ skills and responsibilities (launched in Autumn 2023);
  • New communities of practice for technicians, to promote knowledge sharing and career development amongst colleagues in the same specialist areas;
  • Appointment of technician champions from different parts of the University, to represent technicians and communicate their needs;
  • Definition of career pathways for technicians, providing greater clarity on how to progress between technical roles;
  • A wide-ranging action plan, to be developed through consultation with technical staff, and in alignment with the Researcher Concordat Action Plan.
  • Events to bring together technicians from across the University, for networking, training and career development opportunities.


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(for all technical staff at the University)

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University of Oxford Technician Commitment Action Plan

July 2024 - July 2027

Download the Action Plan

If you would like to get in touch with our Technician Commitment Lead, please contact Dr Jenn Allen